Frequently Asked Questions

What is it that you are doing?

We claim that All Children are Ours, and to our best ability we work to improve their well-being, support their education and healthy development.

  • We support children and their families to have access to basic needs.
  • We support the infrastructure of education by designing and building libraries, computer and science labs, music rooms, robotic coding labs, and we educate educators/teachers to promote their professional development.
  • We organize book reading activities for children to promote reading as a lifelong habit.
  • We organize art activities for children to promote their artistic development.
  • We facilitate summer schools and workshops for children to experience their areas of interest and explore new ones.
  • We support and help parents with their children’s educational, physical, and psychological needs.
  • We want all children to live in safe and healthy environments; we support activities to raise awareness about critical issues like climate change, nutrition, and abuse.
  • We support children during and after natural catastrophes and facilitate supportive networks to help them ease traumas.

We do these all in a holistic and sustainable manner. Our goal is to promote change and transformation in the areas/ neighborhoods we work with children.

How do you choose whom to support?

We have a vast network of teachers from all over Turkey. We reach children mostly through schools and teachers. We plan our activities in accordance with the needs and requests coming from them.

Where do these activities take place?

Our head office is in Istanbul. We also have an office in Izmir, a Children’s Center, and a Playhouse where we perform regular and face to face activities. Yet all over Turkey, we have many libraries, many more books, computers, music rooms in schools and thousands of children we directly and indirectly support in various age groups. During the pandemic we made online robotic coding workshops; used our YouTube Channel to publish a selection of fairy tales and related activity sets for children; and organized educational meetings and programs for teachers.

How can I support you?

If you also say All Children are Ours; you can follow us, be a volunteer, be a member, be a donor.

Can I donate books?

Being one of our main areas of interest as an organization we donate books and set up new libraries all over Turkey. We can get special discount deals from book publishers; purchase and send a carefully selected arrangement of books to the schools. The content and artistic competency of the books in our lists are approved by our pedagogical counselors. If you would like to donate books in good condition, please send them to our head office; our experts will assess them according to our criteria of suitability and then organize the shipment to the schools and libraries.

Can I donate used toys and clothes?

We do not accept used toys and clothes for donations.

How can I be sure if my donation is being used appropriately?

All our financial reports and statements are published on our website. We are also audited by an independent firm, and you may also find their reports on our website. We are a member of AÇIK AÇIK Platformu, a joint platform in Turkey for the associations and NGO’s that put forward accountability and transparency, and highly value the rights of the donors.

Can I create my own campaign?

We may support your campaign if you say All Children are Ours as we do. If you have an idea, pleasecontact us.

Can I donate as a celebration?

Yes, we have various options that you can donate as a celebration, give on behalf of your loved ones, and share their joy. As for your preference we can either send a digital or printed card to the recipient.

Can I donate to share my condolences?

Yes, we have funeral cards to share your condolences. As for your preference we can either send a digital or printed card to the recipient.

Can I choose where my donation is going to be used?

Yes, you can. We highly value your contribution, and we believe that you should be able to choose where your donation will be spent and keep track of it. When donating via FONZİP, you may choose from the list of projects and subjects. If you are to donate via bank transfer, you may write your preference on the explanations section. It is our commitment to fulfill your request.

Can I choose the student to whom I would like to give a scholarship?

You can choose from the students who applied for scholarships (age, gender, faculty, district, educational level etc.) Your donation for the scholarship would be transferred to a student in accordance with your criteria. We inform you about the academic performance of the student, yet we can only share the identity of the student if the parents and the student give their consent.

Our school has needs. Can you support us?

You can always contact us by filling out the CONTACT US section.
We do our best to support as many children as we can within the limits of our financial abilities and organizational goals.

I need support for my children. Can you help?

Apart from the natural catastrophes and exceptional times (like pandemics) we do not have financial aid programs for individual children. All our aid and donations are organized in coordination with the schools. Nevertheless, you may apply for a scholarship if your child is currently a student. If you fill outthe SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION FORM, your application will be carefully evaluated in accordance with our criteria and financial abilities.

Can our company work with your association on social responsibility projects?

We collaborate with various companies on social responsibility projects. You may reach us by filling out the CONTACT US section, or by simply giving us a call, and we can discuss it in detail.